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【SDG 4】Maker education in rural schools

Maker education in rural schools
To foster innovative talent in education and integrate resources across schools, the New Taipei City Government created the New Taipei Maker Community based on four major principles, namely practice, creativity, integration, and autonomous learning, and seven features such as diverse and innovative curricular activities that incorporate creative courses, promotion of maker culture, creative online communities, training of creative teachers, sharing of creative spaces, promotion of maker culture in rural communities, and sharing of creative tools and resources with neighboring schools. Thus far, 41 maker community schools and prospering maker clubs are operating, and they offer diverse courses, teacher training, and camp activities. The city also partnered with community schools to develop interdisciplinary courses that involve creative thinking and design and to deploy resources to rural schools in New Taipei City. For example, a high school featured in Parenting Magazine’s Innovation 100 list, has to date conducted 67 tours that benefitted more than 2,400 students and teachers in rural communities. The maker education encourages students to learn by doing and apply their creativity to turn everyday items into practical inventions. The positive attitudes that children acquire will stay with them beyond graduation and into adulthood, allowing them to continue being makers.

Competent Authority:The Education Department
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