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New Taipei SDGs Express No. 9, Dec 2023 – Orange the World Campaign in New Taipei

  • 【SDG 5】Responding to the UN's Orange the World Campaign, Diplomats Gather at Christmasland in New Taipei City to Say No to Gender Violence!
  • Each year from November 25th to December 10th, the United Nations' Orange the World campaign is dedicated to ending gender-based violence. Since 2019, New Taipei City has joined this initiative by building the Orange Light Corridor at Christmasland, inviting diplomats to participate in the stand against gender violence and the fight against violence towards women. On the 15th, Deputy Mayor Ho-jan Liu, acting on behalf of the mayor, convened with ambassadors, representatives, and members of international chambers of commerce, as well as representatives from women's groups in New Taipei City, at the Wisteria Pixie Light Corridor. Together, they collectively declared their commitment to saying no to gender-based violence, affirming New Taipei City's status as a gender-friendly city.
【SDG 2】New Taipei City's Commitment to Sustainability and Public Welfare Earns Recognition Through Food Conservation and Waste Reduction
According to statistics from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in 2013, about one-third of the food produced globally each year is lost or wasted. Recently, due to global climate change and the impact of wars on food supply, food has not only become a focal point of international attention but also a significant domestic issue. Since 2016, New Taipei City has been leading the way in reducing food waste in Taiwan by initiating the New Taipei City Surplus Food Network, the first systemic and cross-sector collaboration led by a public sector entity aimed at reducing food waste at every stage of the food production chain.
【SDG 17】New Taipei Launches City Diplomacy Receiving 30 VIPs from 6 Countries to Enjoy the Taiwan Design Expo
In order to deepen international exchanges and promote New Taipei City's key policies and events, the New Taipei City Government invited 30 distinguished guests from 6 countries, including Paraguay, Guatemala, the United States, Switzerland, Hungary, and Indonesia, to attend the "2023 Taiwan Design Expo". The VIPs included delegations from New Taipei City's sister cities and friendship cities, ambassadors and representatives to Taiwan, and foreign visitors. The city government facilitated international exchanges and promoted city diplomacy through this local cultural event.
New Taipei SDG Trivia
  • 57.96%
  • Resource recovery rate(NTPC indicator 10)
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