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【SDG 16】New Taipei Open Data Platform

New Taipei Open Data Platform
Since 2012, the city government has promoted the open data policy. After years of development, it has opened more than 2,600 information, not only providing hundreds of millions of services, but also recognized by the central government.
New Taipei City Open Data Platform is continuously reviewed through open content and data values. Internationally, New Taipei City has also signed the Open Data Charter (ODC) to become one of the first city in Asia to sign the international market, continue to integrate the international community and to improve the quality of international open data towards a city with open data format. The application of open data has effectively supported the development of municipal information integration services by civil society, expanded the public interest of the whole people, created incentive for application effects beyond the government level (including: individuals, enterprises, organizations, etc.), and integrated the intellectual assets to create more convenient services for the public. 

Competent Authority:Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, New Taipei City Government
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