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SDG 9 Industry, Innovation&Infrastructure

【NTPC indicator 46】Number of cellphones per 100 households

【NTPC indicator 46】Number of cellphones per 100 households
Basic Information
  • Indicator name:Number of households with cell phones per 100 households
  • Competent Authority:Department of Budget, Accounting, and Statistics
  • Indicator definition:Number of households with cell phones per 100 households ÷ total number of households × 100 %
Corresponding Indicators
  • SDG 9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  • Global Indicators:9.1.1, 9.1.2
  • National Indicators: No corresponding indicators
  • NTPC Indicators:46
Implementation Results
  • 2018 implementation results:97.59%
  • 2019 implementation results:97.83%
  • 2020 implementation results:To be determined
  • Short-term goals to be achieved by 2020:Not applicable
  • Mid-term goals to be achieved by 2025:Not applicable
  • Long-term goals to be achieved by 2030:Not applicable
Sustainable Development Indicators for New Taipei City
Following interdepartmental communication, New Taipei City (NTPC) Government compiled 81 sustainability indicators, thereby formulating short-term goals to be achieved by 2020, mid-term goals to be achieved by 2025, and long-term goals to be achieved by 2030 in accordance with global trends. Through continuous horizontal communication and collaboration between its departments, NTPC Government has improved the depth and breadth of the city’s performance in alignment with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This enhances NTPC’s recognition on the global stage during international policy exchanges and sets the benchmark for a sustainable and healthy city.

①New Taipei City Indicators are updated till September, 2021; for further latest information, please check the website of the New Taipei Sustainable Development Committee.
②「-」:Not available, due to COVID-19, timeframe, and data accessibility.
③N/A:Not Applicable to national or global indicators, or no corresponding indicators
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