【SDG 16】Application of digital technology to bolster efforts in stopping the spread of COVID-19

To strengthen the pandemic prevention effort, conduct in-depth analysis on the source of infections, and track confirmed cases, the New Taipei City COVID-19 Contact Tracing Analysis Center is established, in which 300 police officers participate in supporting contact tracing investigations and conducting telephone interviews to inquire about the whereabouts of confirmed patients before and after onset of symptoms. Through the big data analysis of telephone interview records and movement tracing extracted from surveillance images, the Police Department converts points of movement into longitude and latitude and visualizes the pandemic hot areas using the Visualized Analysis and Decision-Making Platform for Public Security and Traffic. This visualization can facilitate subsequent analysis for the identification of people who have been in contact with diagnosed individuals and of the places that these individuals visited to help determine the severity of the pandemic. From May 17, 2021, to August 4, 2021, data on 6,649 confirmed cases and 71,267 hot spots were compiled.
Competent Authority:The Police Department
Competent Authority:The Police Department
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