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【SDG 2】New Taipei City's Commitment to Sustainability and Public Welfare Earns Recognition Through Food Conservation and Waste Reduction


According to statistics from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in 2013, about one-third of the food produced globally each year is lost or wasted. Recently, due to global climate change and the impact of wars on food supply, food has not only become a focal point of international attention but also a significant domestic issue. Since 2016, New Taipei City has been leading the way in reducing food waste in Taiwan by initiating the New Taipei City Surplus Food Network, the first systemic and cross-sector collaboration led by a public sector entity aimed at reducing food waste at every stage of the food production chain.

Diverging from the traditional environmental-centric approach to food strategies, New Taipei City prioritizes the welfare of the underprivileged in its efforts to reduce food waste. Through horizontal cooperation across departments of the city government and vertical collaboration between the public and private sectors, the city not only achieves its environmental sustainability goals but also educates the public to reduce waste at the source.

Vegetable sorting volunteers at New Taipei Fruit and Vegetable Marketing Company's Sanchong market organize, inventory, and sort produce.

Centered around the Social Welfare Department, the joint efforts solicit support from departments and bureaus responsible for agriculture, health, education, environmental protection, and markets. These agencies collectively re-evaluate waste at each stage of the food production chain and implement changes through their respective initiatives. Moreover, resources such as off-grade produce, which would otherwise be discarded, are sorted, distributed, and channeled into community care programs for underprivileged children and the elderly, thereby reducing waste and strengthening local support systems.

Given the vast expanse of the city and the resource disparity between urban and rural areas, New Taipei City places an emphasis on local community dining services to support the disadvantaged in these areas. In addition to coordinating resources from markets and enterprises, the city involves volunteers in sorting and selecting imperfect fruits and vegetables in the markets. Furthermore, the Social Welfare Department collaborates with NGOs to deploy refrigerated Love-Food Vans, delivering ingredients to remote community dining locations and reducing food safety risks associated with long-distance transport. Additionally, departments and bureaus of New Taipei City Government are actively involved in school education, corporate counseling, and public advocacy to instill the concept of food conservation across diverse aspects and locales.

The New Taipei City Surplus Food Network, now in its seventh year, has garnered significant recognition for its efforts. In July 2023, with the joint efforts of the Education Department, the Health Department, and the Agriculture Bureau, New Taipei City became the only city among the six special municipalities to receive a five-star rating in food education in the “2023 City Survey on Food Education” published by foodNEXT. That same month, the Social Welfare Department was invited to exhibit at the “APEC Workshop on Reducing Food Loss and Waste by Strengthening Resilience and Digitalization in APEC Food System,” organized by the Ministry of Agriculture at Chateau de Chine Hotel Xinzhuang, where it showcased the achievements of New Taipei City's Surplus Food Network over the years. 

In November, the Health Department presented the “Healthy New Taipei, Thriving with Safe and Satisfying Bites” initiative, highlighting the city's achievements in food safety monitoring and food conservation efforts. This initiative earned the Resilience and Innovation Award at the 15th Taiwan Healthy City & Age-Friendly City Awards, organized by the Health Promotion Administration.

The reuse of food not only signifies a reduction in environmental impact and the appropriate allocation of surplus resources but also represents the practical implementation of food conservation education. This initiative encompasses everything from government advocacy to private sector participation, from organizational operations to individual lifestyle practices. Food conservation in New Taipei City is gradually evolving from a policy into a way of life.

Competent Authority: Social Welfare Dept.
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